Monday, September 21, 2009

Two steps forward, one step back (the redux)

It always happens, doesn't it? We leap forward a few steps then slide back down a bit.

Monster is still doing ok, but he's finally realized that school is WORK. Last week, he asked to stay home, and as always, we let him. I was fighting a bad cold, so Mr thought Monster wasn't feeling well. Mr asked Monster "are you ok?" he replied "Zach not ok", which Mr took to mean he wasn't feeling well. Of course, then Monster spent the rest of the day having fun, with no evidence of feeling poorly at all.

Both Thursday and Friday, Monster put up a fuss about getting out of the car and going to school. Today, he also put up a bit of a fuss. All three days, though, the fuss was getting less and he did go to school. After speaking to the principal, it sounds like they are really pushing him to spend more and more time in the classroom and less time either at sensory breaks or in private teacher time. This is tough work for him, I know that and finally he knows that. I finally get a taste of what moms of typical kids have to deal with ;)

Since I like to over analyze and think things to death, this challenge makes me look back on our journey with a wry smile. Mr and I get so hyper-focused on one thing, we seem to forget that that one thing isn't going to fix all the problems. Call it our own version of denial. For the longest time, it was getting Monster to interact with us. Then it was getting him to speak. Then it was getting him into an integrated program.

We've come a long way, but we still have such a long way to go. It sounds like I'm being pessimistic, but I'm not. I'm just so goal oriented, I often forget that reaching the goal is the beginning, not the end.

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