Thursday, June 4, 2009

I think something is working

Monster had been incredibly more talkative lately. Mr. and I are keeping a very detailed food diary (Monster's teachers are filling it in for us from school) and have started a daily behavior diary. Mainly keeping track of any meltdowns, pains, problems, and bathroom schedule (:rolls eyes:). I've got that itch in the back of my head getting stronger. I really feel like we are on the right road, at least for some things. After his bath (yea! we got him back in the tub), he pointed at the water and said "get the ball".

Now, some would say I'm a pushover for reaching over and getting the ball, but he rarely ever has spontaneous speech and I don't think I've ever heard him use a pronoun without prompting.

So something is working, I'm just not sure what. I'm so annoyed that I'm trapped by my finances. I wish I could afford the testing we need to show what areas Monster needs supplementation and what areas he has too much of whatever. I'm mostly flying blind and terrified of making things worse.

Between what my mom's going through (she has cancer, it sucks when an anti-depressant becomes optional due to finances) and the fact that autism testing is not covered, I think out health care system really sucks.

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